I’ve been wandering around the internet for some time to get a source to put on EPROM to build a mother board with Z80. I was not afraid to design and assemble the circuit, but writing a monitor program in Z80 assembler of several Kbytes made me the result further away.
So I came across the Z80-MBC2 card. Easy to assemble it is exceptional in rendering a lot with few integrated circuits. It is equipped with a disk emulator on a uSD, a double bank of 64 Kbytes fully usable with the for CP / M 3. An ATMEL microcontroller manages I / O, bootstrap and virtual disks. In addition, an MCP23017 microcontroller acts as a GPIO with 16 GPIO ports and an RTC piggyback marks the time and measures the temperature. It is supplied with an impressive software park, to be able to work immediately under the operating system of your choice between CP / M 3.0; Collapse OS; CP / M 2.2; QP / M 2.71. Or in UCSD Pascal, Forth or BASIC environment.
The ATMEL microcontroller works at 16 MHz and supplies the clock to the processor by dividing it by two or four, so we can work with the Z84C008 processor at levels significantly higher than those of the 1980s.