ESP32 graphic and ANSI terminal
What is there to write that has not already been written about this project by Fabrizio Di Vittorio
This terminal, as far as I’m concerned, is a real HW and SW masterpiece.
The processor used is an ESP32 SOC programmed to make a graphic page available to the user. The primitive functions made available allow you to draw lines, circles, polygons, points; to manage the pointing of a mouse; to accept characters from a keyboard; generate audio; emulate an ANSI / VT terminal and more. The circuit is connected via TTL serial to the central unit and has as I / O a standard 640 × 480 VGA port, a PS / 2 port for mouse, a PS / 2 port for keyboard and a non-amplified monaural audio output.
The documentation, schematics and the library can be found at this address
The following program shows the graphic potential of the terminal. It was written in BASIC language and this version is adapted to Basic-85 for CP / M.
1 REM Draws some graphics 100 WIDTH 255 105 GOSUB 10000: REM Define functions 106 REM Disable cursor and clear screen 107 PRINT FNCURSOROFF$;FNCLR$; 110 REM 120 REM ** POINTS ** 130 FOR I = 0 TO 100 140 REM Set random pen color 150 PRINT FNPEN$(RND*255, RND*255, RND*255); 160 REM Draw a pixel at random position 170 PRINT FNPIXEL$(RND*640, RND*480); 180 NEXT I 190 FOR I = 0 TO 120: PRINT FNSCROLL$(4, 4);: NEXT I 200 REM 210 REM ** LINES ** 220 FOR I = 0 TO 100 230 REM Set random pen color 240 PRINT FNPEN$(RND*255, RND*255, RND*255); 250 REM Draw a line 260 PRINT FNDRAW$(RND*640, RND*480, RND*640, RND*480); 270 NEXT I 280 FOR I = 0 TO 120: PRINT FNSCROLL$(-4, 4);: NEXT I 290 REM 300 REM ** FILLED RECTANGLES ** 310 FOR I = 0 TO 50 320 REM Set random brush color 330 PRINT FNBRUSH$(RND*255, RND*255, RND*255); 340 REM Set random pen color 350 PRINT FNPEN$(RND*255, RND*255, RND*255); 360 REM Fill and draw rectangle 370 X1 = RND*640: Y1 = RND*480: X2 = RND*640: Y2 = RND*480 380 PRINT FNFILLRECT$(X1, Y1, X2, Y2); 390 PRINT FNRECT$(X1, Y1, X2, Y2); 400 NEXT I 410 FOR I = 0 TO 120: PRINT FNSCROLL$(4, -4);: NEXT I 420 REM 430 REM ** FILLED ELLIPSES ** 440 FOR I = 0 TO 50 450 REM Set random brush color 460 PRINT FNBRUSH$(RND*255, RND*255, RND*255); 470 REM Set random pen color 480 PRINT FNPEN$(RND*255, RND*255, RND*255); 490 REM Fill and draw ellipse 500 X = RND*640: Y = RND*480: W = RND*320: H = RND*240 510 PRINT FNFILLELLIPSE$(X, Y, W, H); 520 PRINT FNELLIPSE$(X, Y, W, H); 530 NEXT I 540 FOR I = 0 TO 120: PRINT FNSCROLL$(-4, -4);: NEXT I 550 REM 560 REM ** FILLED POLYGONS ** 570 FOR I = 0 TO 50 580 REM Set random brush color 590 PRINT FNBRUSH$(RND*255, RND*255, RND*255); 600 REM Set random pen color 610 PRINT FNPEN$(RND*255, RND*255, RND*255); 620 REM Build coordinates 630 C = 3 + INT(RND*4): REM Number of points 640 P$ = "" 650 FOR J = 1 TO C 660 X = INT(RND*640): Y = INT(RND*480) 670 P$ = P$ + STR$(X) + ";" + STR$(Y) 680 IF J < C THEN P$ = P$ + ";" 690 NEXT J 700 REM Fill and draw path 710 PRINT FNFILLPATH$(P$); 720 PRINT FNPATH$(P$); 730 NEXT I 740 FOR I = 0 TO 120: PRINT FNSCROLL$(-4, 0);: NEXT I 750 REM Clear screen, clear terminal and enable cursor 760 PRINT FNCLR$;FNCLRTERM$;FNCURSORON$; 765 WIDTH 80 770 END 10000 REM 10010 REM ** DEFINE FUNCTIONS ** 10020 DEF FNPEN$(R%, G%, B%) = CHR$(27)+"_GPEN"+STR$(R%)+";"+STR$(G%)+";"+STR$(B%)+"$" 10030 DEF FNBRUSH$(R%, G%, B%) = CHR$(27)+"_GBRUSH"+STR$(R%)+";"+STR$(G%)+";"+STR$(B%)+"$" 10040 DEF FNPIXEL$(X%, Y%) = CHR$(27)+"_GPIXEL"+STR$(X%)+";"+STR$(Y%)+"$" 10050 DEF FNDRAW$(X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%) = CHR$(27)+"_GLINE"+STR$(X1%)+";"+STR$(Y1%)+";"+STR$(X2%)+";"+STR$(Y2%)+"$" 10060 DEF FNRECT$(X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%) = CHR$(27)+"_GRECT"+STR$(X1%)+";"+STR$(Y1%)+";"+STR$(X2%)+";"+STR$(Y2%)+"$" 10070 DEF FNFILLRECT$(X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%) = CHR$(27)+"_GFILLRECT"+STR$(X1%)+";"+STR$(Y1%)+";"+STR$(X2%)+";"+STR$(Y2%)+"$" 10080 DEF FNELLIPSE$(X%, Y%, W%, H%) = CHR$(27)+"_GELLIPSE"+STR$(X%)+";"+STR$(Y%)+";"+STR$(W%)+";"+STR$(H%)+"$" 10090 DEF FNFILLELLIPSE$(X%, Y%, W%, H%) = CHR$(27)+"_GFILLELLIPSE"+STR$(X%)+";"+STR$(Y%)+";"+STR$(W%)+";"+STR$(H%)+"$" 10110 DEF FNPATH$(POINTS$) = CHR$(27)+"_GPATH"+POINTS$+"$" 10120 DEF FNFILLPATH$(POINTS$) = CHR$(27)+"_GFILLPATH"+POINTS$+"$" 10130 DEF FNSCROLL$(X%, Y%) = CHR$(27)+"_GSCROLL"+STR$(X%)+";"+STR$(Y%)+"$" 10140 DEF FNCLR$ = CHR$(27)+"_GCLEAR$" 10150 DEF FNCURSORON$ = CHR$(27)+"_E1$" 10160 DEF FNCURSOROFF$ = CHR$(27)+"_E0$" 10170 DEF FNCLRTERM$ = CHR$(27)+"_B$" 10180 RETURN